Prashant Kishor Bristles at Reminder of Earlier Wrong Predictions, says BJP Will Win 300+ seats

BJP could comfortably win over 300, Congress can’t get near 100 – Prashant Kishore to Karan Thapar for the Wire

In an interview that ends on a most unfortunate but prolonged angry and hostile note, the well known election analyst Prashant Kishore has said BJP will comfortably win the elections and expects the party to get 300 seats like 2019 but perhaps a few more which he defined as possibly 5-15 more seats. On the other hand he categorically said the Congress Party cannot get even 100 seats.

Explaining his forecast, Mr Kishore said he did not expect BJP to suffer “material damage” in the states he referred to as the north and the west. Interestingly he repeatedly defined material damage as losing more than 50 seats. He added whatever number of seats BJP loses in the north and west it will more than make up in what he called the east and south. In response to a question he made clear that even if BJP loses 50 seats in the north and west it will make up for this with gains in the east and south.

Given how this interview ended, on an angry and ugly note, I don’t think I should further précis or paraphrase Mr Kishore but leave you to see and hear the interview for yourself. I certainly shall not paraphrase or relate the contents of the fight at the end, which seemed to last for five or seven or maybe more minutes. But I will add that not a second has been edited or deleted. It’s there in full for the audience to see and judge for themselves. Each of you has an undeniable right to make up your own mind. I told Mr Kishore it would not be cut or edited and we’ve kept our word.
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