Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, Congress General Secretary, has filed her nomination from the Wayanad constituency in Kerala for the Lok Sabha by-poll. The seat was previously held by her brother, Rahul Gandhi. The nomination marks her entry into electoral politics. She was accompanied by Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi, Congress President Mallika Arjun Ghadge, husband Robert Vadra and son Rehan. The day began with a road show attended by hundreds of supporters, ending with a public meeting. The by-poll will see a three-way contest between Priyanka Gandhi, LDS Satyan Mokri and BJP’s Navya Haridas. #indiatoday #priyankagandhiwadra #wayanad #itwebvideos #loksabhabypoll #rahulgandhi #congress #soniagandhi #mallikaarjunghadge #robertwadra #ldssatyanmokri #bjp #navyaharidas
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